Simple instructions
Some people have asked how to add these to their library so I have created these simple step by step instructions on the process.
Adding your tag via itunes
Once you have added the film to your iTunes library select the film and “get info” ( FILE / GET INFO or VIDEO INFO)
You will now be directed to the display box that summarizes the tag information for this specific film title. Here is where you can change or add information about the film such as description etc. We want to change the artwork so select the tab titled “ARTWORK” ( located at the top right of the information box).
By selecting the “ARTWORK” tab you should be directed to the artwork information box. You will see the original artwork displayed inside the box. To add your artwork in place of the original simply click on “ADD”.
You will now be prompted to select the desired file, which is your new artwork. Find your new dazzling cover art and click on “OPEN”
You should now see your new cover design displayed in the information box along with the old original artwork.
To ensure that iTunes displays the correct cover art you need to do one of two things. Either select the old original art and DELETE it – OR – Select your new cover art and drag it into the first position (usually to the left) and click “OK”.
Both ways work, but keep in mind if you decide to use the first method of deleting the original artwork you won’t be able to change it back once you do it. If you do decide later to display the original artwork you will need to get the original artwork back via the iTunes options…or you can just create your own again.
Before you close it out, make sure to double check the “OPTIONS” tab – once in that widow confirm that your movie is set as a “movie” – sometimes when you “add to library” your movie will wind up as a “Home Movie” – unless you want it to remain as a “home movie” change it to movie so it will be displayed with all your other films.
STEP 6 (Optional GENRE grouping)
Another thing you can do with your new tag art is establish it as a genre. This can be helpful if you want to quickly select all of your genre films (in this case “Sub Flicks) and see them displayed together in one display window. To do this go back to your “GET INFO” display box and select the tab labeled “INFO” – then at the bottom of the display window you will see a drop down selector labeled “GENRE” – type whatever you want in this window and click “OK”. Now do this to all of your genre films, typing in the same genre tag ( example: “sub flicks” ).
If you are using Apple TV to stream your library it does offer a cool aspect to your genre watching. I took some snaps of my TV with the tag changes as seen via Apple TV. It displays your cool new artwork but also shows related titles with-in your new genre, all with a matching look... perfect for us obsessed designers. Have fun.